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Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

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About ICW

The Institute for Collaborative Working was established in 1990 by the UK Government and Industry to help organisations, large and small, in both public and private sectors to build and develop more effective business relationships, based on collaborative working good practice.

It promotes and encourages collaborative working and its advantages alongside its membership. It provides access and influence alongside practical guidance and knowledge transfer through a broad range of learning and development opportunities. Its knowledge base is supported by academic research and a portfolio of thought leadership reports and concepts. It's a recognised leader in collaborative working and expert in the international standard for collaboration in business - ISO 44001.

Executive membership comes from Industry (including Aviation, Construction, Defence, IT and Transportation sectors), Government, Academics, as well as other Institutes and Trade Associations. Individual membership demonstrates a commitment to collaboration, with the opportunity to connect people to knowledge and help enhance and develop capability and networks.

The Institute connects a community of progressive, committed, diverse organisations that have similar aspirations and values in relation to collaboration. As part of a community of like-minded organisations, we are connected to a group of positive, proactive organisations that help develop and share best practice and expertise on collaborative business. ICW hold regular Executive & Individual events (In person and online) where members engage, contribute, share and listen. The Institute also connects with organisations on research (primary and secondary) to enhance greater understanding of collaborative working and underpin its methods with quality research. As well as a number of tools, forums and knowledge resources the ICW can directly help members build capability.

Our vision

To be the home of collaboration where good practice is shared and supported with research, experience and training, building a global community which recognises the development of skills and knowledge of collaborative working practices. Through our community we will enhance the professional relationships of business, public sector and wider society to produce greater value in the outcomes for all.

Lord John Hannett OBE

Frank Lee
Chief Executive Officer

Adrian Miller
Membership Services Director

Knowledge Sharing & Guidance

The Institute knowledge base is used to provide guidance, tools and support for both the private and public sectors predominantly in the UK but increasingly internationally. The Institute maintains a close association with the British Standards Institution (BSI)

Leadership Development

The effective deployment of collaborative working good practice places unique demands on leadership. Working with our affiliates the Institute provides specialist programmes ranging from accrediting internal facilitators through to executive leadership development.


The institute is committed to furthering the development of the collaborative working discipline and the effective utilisation of the discipline through research across a wide range of global industries by way of reports and specialist papers to share the growing base of knowledge throughout the Institute's community and beyond.

Training & Skills

The Institute provides a range of skills development programmes to support organisations implementation of collaborative working both directly and through accredited training partners. These programmes are being progressively augmented by working together with specialist trainers and university partners.

Publications & Tools

The Institute website provides access to a wide range of publications, case studies, reference documents and tools to underpin the development of collaborative working approaches to promote widespread knowledge sharing.

Events & Conferences

Supporting the Institute's primary focus of knowledge sharing the Institute organises a regular series of focused events for Executive Network Members and guests, together with participating in a wide range of public conferences in order to underpin our core value of knowledge transfer.

Benefits to You & Your Business

If collaborative working is currently or part of your strategic business development then embedding good practice principles is crucial. The growing collaborative working community facilitated by the Institute provides a unique forum to share knowledge and experience. The Institute aims to:

  • Be recognised and acknowledged as the thought leader on business collaborative working.
  • Carry out research to further develop collaborative working principles, practices and process.
  • Ensure the widespread development of collaborative working skills through training and development.
  • Progressively build a global collaborative working knowledge sharing community.

Academic Developments

Documents related to academic development with the ICW:


Successful collaborative working depends on exploiting the synergies between individuals and organisations. This is reflected in the ICW logo, depicting the interdependence of a Hummingbird and a flower, each needing the other to survive and prosper.
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