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Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

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Dr Jane Lynch photographDr Jane Lynch

Senior Associate for ICW Wales

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Jane brings to the ICW Board strong leadership skills and both academic and practitioner perspectives. Jane has been a member of the ICW since 2012, when she initiated ICW Wales, sharing best practice developments in The Partner. More recently, Jane has become a key contributor to the ICW's Public Procurement SIG and co-author of the ICW's forthcoming Collaboration Playbook.

Jane's interest in collaborative working started in her early retail career, in recognising the challenges with partnership sourcing. Curiosity led her to switch careers and study supplier relationship management and supply chain management at university. Eighteen years on, Jane is a Professor of Procurement for Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, leading the Centre for Value Procurement.

Jane brings expertise in public procurement and published two guides on social value in 2024. Jane was awarded Individual of the Year, Go Awards, Wales (2023-2024), for her contributions to public procurement.

Jane is a true advocate of effective collaboration with experience in leading multi-disciplinary, and complex projects locally, nationally, and globally. Collaborative working plays an integral role in Jane's working life, engaging with a range of stakeholders and volunteering much of her time to support others in their professional development.

When asked about her aspirations for collaboration, Jane replied, "Innovation needs to be high on the government agenda for the UK, and collaboration is a critical enabler of driving that in practice. I only hope that the pioneering work undertaken by the growing ICW team exemplifies the value of early involvement of key stakeholders and understanding what we mean by mutual benefit. Partnering does not work when the values are imposed by one party; true collaborative working involves mutual benefit where risk and reward are shared, not used as negotiation tactics."

When asked about her role with the ICW Board, having watched the ICW develop since 2012, Jane hopes to bring fresh thinking and strategic direction to ensure the ICW grows its membership sustainably while delivering benefits for members worldwide.

Jane's other roles include:

  • Director for Help to Grow: Management – small business training subsidised by UK Government
  • South Wales Branch Chair of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply
  • Judging panel member for Government Opportunities Procurement Awards (Wales and UK National)
  • Judging panel member for the Institute of Directors (IOD) Wales
  • Judging panel member for Healthcare Supply Association (HCSA)
  • PhD supervisor and external examiner
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