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ICW Expert Assessment - Details of the Scheme

Why achieve an expert validation of collaborative competence?

  • Visible demonstration to others - market differentiation
  • Wiil show customers and partners you have collaborative capability
  • Use in tenders
  • Marketing and promotion of your business
  • Expert guidance and feedback on your collaborative capability

Who validates your capability?

  • ICW's experienced and trained validators

What will the assessment be looking for?

  • Evidence of understanding of the principles as outlined in the guidance document and ISO 44003 (the International Standards Organizations guidance for SMEs collaborating in business)
  • Examples of the actual implementation of a collaborative relationship(s)
  • Demonstration of collaborative leadership
  • Commitment to continual improvement
  • Measurable outcomes of the benefits intended and gained from the relationships

Summary of Requirements by Stages

Point Requirement Takes into account Example Evidence (you will need to show)
1 DEMONSTRATE AN UNDERSTANDING OF WHY YOU COLLABORATE Your overall business objectives and how collaboration fits
  • Board minutes/strategy
  • Discussion with senior colleagues - any stakeholder needs or concerns
  • Collaborative Leadership capability
  • Outline description of ‘Why' and perceived benefits.
2 CREATE A BUSINESS CASE AND PLAN (for internal use) Outline business case, implementation plan and Relationship Management Plan (RMP)
  • Collaboration Aims & Objectives
  • Business case
  • RMP (Policy Statement - Values, Collaborative Culture, Behaviour Code - Objectives - Stakeholder Expectations - Risks & management/mitigations - Collaborative Leadership & Management - Capability - Communication - Relationship Management Overview - Partner Selection - Exit/Disengagement
3 CONSIDER POTENTIAL PARTNERS AND THEIR CAPABILITY Engagement with potential partners and selection based on joint understanding of objectives, values, capabilities etc.
  • Selection checklist
  • Evidence of shared vision and values
  • Proposed Joint objectives - including potential benefits/value creation
4 ASSESS THE RISKS & OPPORTUNITIES OF COLLABORATIVE WORKING Risk Assessment of both strategic risks (i.e. your internal capability may not be ready) and tactical risks (i.e. potential partners are not ready)
  • Output of risk assessment, management approach and mitigation
  • Risk Register
  • Joint risk management plan with partner
5 ESTABLISH JOINT WORKING METHODS AND OBJECTIVES Assessment of opportunities/ benefits of creating more integrated approach to working with partners. Includes:
  • What they are
  • How they work
  • Joint Relationship Management Plan (JRMP)
  • Governing the relationship - your process and what is happening jointly
  • Ways of working guidance based on your collaborative context
  • Joint Relationship Management Plan (Context and Commercial arrangements - Collaboration aims/outcomes - Measurable Joint Objectives - Leadership forum - Relationship Managers - Ways of working - Knowledge Sharing - Joint Value Creation - Joint Risk Management - Communication - Relationship Measurement & KPI's - Issue Resolution - Agreed Exit Strategy)
6 MONITOR AND MANAGE PERFORMANCE AND THE RELATIONSHIP Your approach to capturing Value/benefits, measuring performance, assessment & improvement
  • KPI's established and method of tracking and review - not just a focus on outputs but also relationship performance - trust, behaviours, knowledge share etc.
7 COMPLETE OR TEMINATE RELATIONSHIP How you ensure success and failure are well defined for both parties. Indication of how you address shortfalls
  • Exit triggers and plan - to include how joint work or assets will be addressed
8 CONSIDER FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES Wider context of potential for future collaboration by your business and with partners
  • Lessons learned
  • Continuous Improvement Plan

Your next steps

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