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Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

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Bill Taylor photographBill Taylor

Associate Director

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Bill brings his extensive experience from the military, industry, and academia to support the ICW in developing effective business relationships and collaborations. Bill has held senior executive level positions in the UK and overseas, and currently provides extensive commercial and campaign business winning coaching and training to leading Prime contractors. As an Executive Coach and Accredited ISO 44001 Facilitator Practitioner, Bill has coached numerous large corporations, Joint Ventures, and smaller organisations to achieve ISO 44001 certification. Bill is the UK National Accreditation Body (UKAS) Technical Assessor (ISO 17021) & Technical Expert for ISO 44001 with the responsibility to support the accreditations of the Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) to certify clients to ISO 44001.

Key Experience

With a RAF career of 20 years Bill became the most senior uniformed expert in special technical areas and a trusted intelligence officer. He had several aircraft front line command tours responsible for aircraft availability, and was the MoD Integrated Project Team leader for the procurement and management of airborne equipment. He became a Visiting Professor at the prestigious and world class Cranfield University (Defence Academy) lecturing on defence technologies, and formed and then served as Managing Director of a leading and prestigious new defence business changing the culture from a manufacturing led to market leading and customer focused business exporting world wide – later reaching the position of Group Vice President holding Directorships in the UK, US and Aus. In parallel with the operational duties Bill held a Directorship in a leading, not for profit, Trade Association and was a Chairman of a SME company specialising in Simulation and Training.

Bill is established as a highly successful business management consultant, where he provides deep insight, expertise and advice to businesses that are forming alliances and joint ventures, and who are bidding into and operating in the Defence, Rail, Government and Nuclear Industry.

Key Qualifications and Professional Memberships

ILM Certified BS11000 Facilitator
ISO 17021 Technical Assessor

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