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Bruno Marques photographBruno Marques

Director of ICW Portugal

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Business and IT management consultant. IT Governance Advisor and Change Management & Innovation Management Expert. Author of the book "Collaborate to Win – Partnerships in the Portuguese Insurance Sector" based on his PhD research. He has more than 10 year of professional experience in the insurance sector and has experience working also as a Marketing manager and as Senior Consultant. Post-doctoral researcher in the field of Collaborative Partnerships Development. Collaborates with universities as a teacher and researcher in the fields of IT, Innovation, Change managemet and Knowledge management.

Key Experience

Now acting as and independent consultant, Bruno has more than 10 years of profissional experience in the insurance sector, as the responsible of the IT Governance & Control Unit for two portuguese insurance companies. Bruno's previous roles included Marketing Manager for the major Portuguese Cable TV Operator, Senior Consultant for Accenture (IT Strategy) and Business analysist for the Lisbon Stock Exchange.

Collaborates with Universities since 2003 as an invited teacher namely in the Portugue Catholic University and the Portuguese Military Academy. He is a researcher in the fields of Organizational Development, Knowledge Management and Innovation.

He published papers about IT management, Knowledge management and Organisational Learning.

Key Qualifications and Professional Memberships

PhD (University of Aveiro)
MBA and MsC (Portuguese Catholic University)
MICW (Institute of Collaborative Working)
Member of CIWWA

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