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Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

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ICW Wales logoICW Wales


We are constantly being reminded that to survive and prosper in the dynamic global business environment we need to change the way we work. Collaborative working offers a radically different approach and getting it right to deliver tangible benefits requires combined efforts and in many cases a change in mindset and corporate culture.

This message is even more relevant in Wales, with collaboration featured as one of five key priorities to comply with the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. Collaboration may be formal and informal, or sometimes a combination of both. To get this balance right, key skills are required to enable businesses in Wales to be resilient and competitive in the global marketplace.

Our Aims

  • We SUPPORT companies (public, private and voluntary sectors) based in Wales, and other organisations where respective supply chain members have strong Welsh connections.
  • We CONNECT 'like-minded' businesses and business people to innovate together, locally and globally
  • We TRAIN individuals and corporates to enhance and develop the relevant skills for effective collaborative working.

Our Approach

Showcase best practices in collaborative working using a structured process to deliver tangible benefits to all parties in the collaborative partnership. We endorse the principles of ISO 44001 (Managing Collaborative Relationships) and support businesses of all sectors and sizes to realise the full value-added benefits of this structured approach to managing partnerships. Through a combination of training and/or knowledge transfer we can help you develop and grow your business. Using an effective and adaptable approach to collaboration, companies may unite and co-create to design solutions for the future together in Wales.

Key Contacts - Associate Directors for Institute for Collaborative Working (Wales)

Dr Jane Lynch, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University

Tel: 02920 876144

Jane is a Reader in Procurement for the Logistics and Operations Management (LOM) section of Cardiff Business School. Jane's research is focused on collaboration, public procurement, and the community benefits of local sourcing. Jane is a research co-investigator for IRSPP (international research study on public procurement); Co-Chair of Joint-bidding Steering Group with Welsh Government, Judging Panel for GOAwards (Wales).

Leigh Lawry, Associate Director of ICW

Tel: 07875 229651.

Leigh is responsible for delivering all ICW training in Wales, UK and overseas. In addition, he also delivers collaboration training for BSI throughout the UK. A facilitator for ISO 44001, Leigh holds vast experience in business improvement, cost reduction and collaboration. Leigh has held Directorship and Senior Management roles, with responsibility for developing and implementing organisational strategy, continuous improvement initiatives, and supplier development programmes to improve operational efficiency and cost competitiveness. Leigh was a director for the first company in the UK to win the prestigious Shingo Silver Medallion Award for Operational Excellence.

83 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HW . Email: . Phone: 0203 691 1530
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