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Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

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Professional ICW Membership

The aims of Individual Membership

Since the establishment as an Institute in 2012, ICW's profile has continued to grow. This, together with the increasing recognition of the significance of collaborative working and adoption of BS 11000 and its migration to ISO 44001, has raised the market awareness.

Since 1990 ICW (formerly PSL) has been actively promoting and supporting the adoption of collaborative working within both the public and private sector.

The thought leadership of ICW, creation of the CRAFT methodology which was the basis for ISO 44001, the International standard for collaborative business relationships framework has laid a foundation for organisations. The future dynamics for business whether national or international will continue to grow in complexity both technically and through diverse relationships where collaboration is no longer just a word but becomes a mission critical capability.

This change in the way business needs to work places a new demand on individuals to have the skills to exploit the power of collaboration and for those capabilities to be professionally recognised.

Our MICW and FICW membership programme, provides recognised and accredited validation of those individuals that have and continue to build their collaboarative capability. In becoming MICW, you signal to other professionals and to employers your skill set in collaborative working and in doing so join a network of professionals recognised at the highest standards in this area. ICW individual membership scheme is the only current and credible formal body able to recognise the value of collaborative skills.

With the resulting increase in the adoption of collaborative working methods across both the public and private sector. ICW recognise that success will only be achieved if organisations employ or develop individuals who have an understanding of, and commitment to, the principles and practice of collaborative working.

Our continued aim is to provide and support individual's personal development through membership of a professional Institute by:

  • Providing professional accreditation of a member's capability
  • Providing a focused knowledge and skills development pathway to meet the needs of its members that supports their professional profile
  • Building a strong and growing membership based on clear and valued benefits within a culture of diversity
  • Providing networking opportunities through membership events, conferences
  • Maintaining its thought leadership in collaborative working through the contribution of its members
  • Expanding research outputs both through member driven special interest groups and relationships with academia and the wider business community
  • Supporting the increased adoption, effective implementation and integrity of ISO 44001

The Institute will use its best endeavours to:

  1. Provide recognition of members' achievements and experience in collaborative working.
  2. Support individual members in their personal and career development through sharing thought leadership, mentoring and training programmes.
  3. Facilitate peer to peer networking to further and enhance individuals' knowledge.
It is important to note that individual membership is a personal accreditation. Use of the Post Nominal designations (AICW, MICW, FICW) are only for the individual.

Benefits of Individual Membership

As a member of the Institute you will be joining a unique community of practice providing access to a wide range of knowledge and expertise both from other members and organisations across a broad spectrum of industries, embracing both the public and private sectors. Your membership provides a variety of benefits in terms of career development, including;

  • Accreditation: The various levels of accredited membership provides independently certified recognition of knowledge and capability underpinned by Warwick University.
  • Networking: Through membership of the Institute individuals have the opportunity to participate in a number of membership learning and networking events. Together with linking to a growing community of practice. You will gain access to a community of organisations and people that are practicing and developing collaboration, which is open to exchanging ideas to help each other evolve and improve for the benefit of your organisation and your own professional and personal development.
  • Knowledge: The Institute and its members have an extensive portfolio of materials which are freely available to MICW/Fellows and expertise within the community which members can benefit from.
  • Skills development: The Institute offers a range of courses designed to build and enhance individual capability, which are discounted for members.
  • Special Interest Groups: Members will be able to participate in many of the Institutes special interest groups enabling them to work with other members to explore and develop future thought leadership.
  • Support: Members have ongoing access to the ICW core team and when appropriate many of our corporate executive members.

Benefits for employer organisations

In addition to benefiting the development of individual's capability profile the promotion of membership by organisations provides an accredited capability and structured development process to support their corporate profile and collaborative capability.

By encouraging their staff to join and gain individual recognition of their collaborative skills, they will become more motivated so that the overall performance of the organisation and its collaborative relationships will be enhanced.

Individual Membership Categories

ICW is the only formal body able to recognise and accredit the value of collaborative skills and is thus able independently to validate and endorse appropriate professional capabilities. ICW Membership, supported by relationship programmes with academia and other complementary associations integrates Continual Professional Development Certification (CPD) through a structured development programme.

The individual membership programme is based on recognising various levels of membership reflecting current skills and experience against defined criteria. Together with a development pathway. All membership is centrally registered and recognised with the Institute in UK whether UK based or International.

  • Associate Membership (AICW): This is an initial entry level for those individuals wanting to engage with the ICW community and with the aim to migrate to full membership. The application process looks to validate their current experience and intent through our membership panel. Associate members would be expected to have migrated to full membership within 2 years.
  • Student Associate Membership: In recognition of developments with the academic community, ICW have a student membership entry level which is intended to provide access to the Institute's knowledge base during their study period based on confirmation of student status. As with associate membership applications will be validated and approved by our membership panel.
  • Membership (MICW): The status of MICW can be achieved through a variety of pathways and will be awarded on assessment of applications by our Membership Panel. Members can complete CPD with the opportunity to progress to FICW.
  • Fellowship (FICW): Fellowship is granted to individuals who have held MICW for a minimum of 5 years and/or reached defined levels of competence, experience and academic achievement within their business activities. They will also be able to demonstrate that they have externally been proactive in promoting collaborative working and the Institute cross industry. Acceptance will be via a duly constituted panel of peers.

Routes to Membership

Membership (MICW)

Individuals may apply directly for full membership at a practitioner level. There are a variety of routes to achieve MICW:

  • By successfully completing the ISO 44001 Collaborative Leaders course and passing the written exam individuals will automatically be offered the opportunity to sign up as full Member. In this case there is no application fees and the first years membership is refundable.
  • Direct entry can be achieved by initiating an on-line application together with an application fee. All applications will be reviewed by the membership panel and in some cases applicants may be asked to attend a panel review.
  • In certain cases the Institute will review and validate In-company or Association development programmes where it considers these meet appropriate levels of maturity or have been developed in cooperation with the Institute.
  • The Institute also works with Academia to support courses which incorporate collaborative capability development and will recognise successful completion as a direct entry route.

Members will be required to continue their development and update their experience and development profile as a minimum every two years.

Find out more & submit application »

Fellowship (FICW)

Fellowship is granted to individuals who have held MICW for a minimum of 5 years and/or reached defined levels of competence, experience and academic achievement within their business activities. They will also be able to demonstrate that they have externally been proactive in promoting collaborative working and the Institute cross industry. Acceptance will be via a duly constituted panel of peers.

Find out more & submit application »

Associate (AICW) and Student Associate (SAICW) Membership

Membership is via an online process requiring individuals to support their application with details of their current experience and aims. Each application will be reviewed by our membership panel. In the case of Student associates they will also need to provide evidence of their current educational status. For associate membership this level of annual membership is for a maximum of 2 years beyond which they would be expected to have progressed to full membership. In the case of student associate membership this will remain whilst they are in education whether full or part time.

Find out more & submit application (Associate) »

Find out more & submit application (Student Associate) »

Membership Fees

Category of Membership Application Fee Annual Membership
Student Associate (SAICW) Zero £30
Associate (AICW) £40 admin £50
Member (MICW) £40* £95
Fellow (FICW) £40 admin £130

Note: all fees exclude VAT. *Only for direct entry administration.

In the case where individuals are paying membership fees personally, not by their organisation, the Institute has agreement with the commissioners for UK HM Revenue and Customs that such membership fees may be claimed against your annual tax returns, reference T1644/30/2017.

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