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ICW Members Day 2024

Wednesday 3rd July 2024
London House, Goodenough College Mecklenburg Square, London, WC1N 2AB

We were delighted to host our members and their guests at the 2024 ICW Members Day on 3rd July at Goodenough College, London WC1, welcomed by our Chairman Lord David Evans of Watford. This special event presented a unique opportunity for our individual members to network and engage at the highest level and gain vital insights from expert speakers on key collaboration topics.

We would like to thank all our members that attended the event, along with all the presenters who shared their insight and experience. Members can access the slides from the day in their Hub.


09:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:05 Welcome Lord David Evans, ICW Chairman
10:05-10:30 Update, strategic aims Frank Lee, ICW CEO
10:30-10:50 A new ICW partnership with SchellingPoint - working together to raise awareness, enhance capability and increase outcomes Jeremy Campbell, ICW Associate Director
Michael Taylor, CEO SchellingPoint
10:50-11:10 A customer's perspective on Social Value impact Victoria Doran, Head of Relationships, Walking With The Wounded
11:10-11:30 Coffee
11:30-12:15 Round Table Session 1: Are we really collaborating, or is it just co-operation? Bill Taylor, ICW Associate Director & Technical Adviser
12:15-12:45 Babcock & BAM Graduate Exchange Initiative Molly Richards, SAP PMO Project Manager, Marine & Technology, Babcock International
Tegan Davis, Babcock Graduate at Cavendish Nuclear
Brian Walton, Deputy Alliance Director, BAM - TRU West Alliance
Jacob Lloyd and Luke Todd, BAM Graduates at TRU
12:45-13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:30 Round Table Session 2: Collaboration as a Professional Discipline? Richard Holm, Thought Leadership SIG Lead
Dawn Stallwood, MD & Head of Integrity, Floodlight Business
14:30-14:45 Coffee plus recognition award presentation Frank Lee
14:45-15:30 Membership Awareness & Updates:
14:45-15:00 Collaboration Playbook Valerie Elliott, Public Procurement SIG Lead
15:00-15:10 Review of ISO 44001 - ain invitation to contribute Richard Smith, Structured Collaboration SIG Lead
15:10-15:15 Associate Membership through Executive Network Jamie Brener, Membership Services Coordinator
15:15-15:25 'Your ICW Membership Journey' & Mentoring Scheme Jo Potter, Co-chair of Professional Development Team
15:25-15:30 Training Update Adrian Miller, Membership Services Director
15:30-16:00 Q&A Session; Members Day reflections and wrap-up Frank Lee - Chair with the other presenters

Photos from the Event

(If you would like hi-res versions of any of these photos, please contact Adrian Wright and include the photo numbers you would like.)

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