A meeting was hosted at The House of Lords by our Chairman Lord David Evans, for our CEO Frank Lee to meet with one of our members Spencer West. Spencer West are a quite unique firm of Lawyers who believe that collaboration with partners and clients is a key way to provide an enhanced legal experience for all involved.
One area that they discussed was the opportunity that contracts designed to encourage collaboration could bring to add value to business relations as opposed to the more traditional type of contract, This is a topic Spencer West and ICW agreed to continue to work on and shar with our members.
Antoine West from Spencer West said "We are excited to be working with ICW and as their first law firm member. At Spencer West, collaboration is a core value of our firm, and we are keen to be working with ICW to develop tools supportive of collaborative third party engagement".
Along with Antoine West we were joined by Clare Waller & Natalie Knight-Wickens.