The Individual Members Elections for the ICW Advisory Council are underway and you should have received the Ballot paper in the post. If you have not received a ballot paper and think you are eligible, please contact Alan Maund at the ICW office on 0203 051 1077.
The following ICW members are the candidates for the eight individual council seats:-
Stephen Abrahams, Ben Cross, Andrew Hopper, Louise Jones, Louise McMahon, Edward Moore, Gail Stephenson, Stephen Blakey, Odilon Serrano, John Doyle, Richard Venerus, Robert Bryce, Adrian Miller, Christopher Richardson, Lois Love, Paul Bibby, Steven Fulcher, Richard Holm, Tim Mowat, Jo Potter, Richard Smith, Barry Leighton, Steven Dolan, Trevor Gore, Bryn Richards, David Hitchin and Frank Lee.
Remember to complete your ballot paper and return it in the enclosed addressed envelope as soon as possible - voting closes on Friday March 6th, 2020 at 5pm.
Any ballot papers receive after the 6th will not be counted.