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ICW Members' Day & ICW Members Collaborative Challenge

  • 4 Nov 2020
  • Online

The ICW Members' Day

Featuring the

Members Collaborative Challenge

4th November 2020
10am to 4pm

BSI are hosting the event Online.

Please register your attendance here

The morning session will feature keynote speakers, updates from the Special Interest Groups and the ICW team on current and future developments in ICW.

Speakers include:
Lord Evans of Watford - Chairman, Institute for Collaborative Working
Claire Ward - Chief Executive, Institute for Collaborative Working
David Hawkins - Chief Operating Officer & Knowledge Architect, Institute for Collaborative Working
Matthew Lloyd - Head of Policy, Outsourcing programme, Cabinet Office HM Government
And the Special Interest Groups Leads

The afternoon session will be start at 1:45pm

The ICW Members Collaborative Challenge

There will be 6 breakout rooms, each of which are supported by a team of practitioners, exploring specific challenges that our members have raised. This Session will be in two parts, giving members the opportunity to attend 2 different sessions. This will be an opportunity for members to learn from their peers and share ideas and solutions they have deployed in developing their collaborative approaches.

Outline programme
Morning Session: Updates
10.00 Welcome Chairman Lord Evans
10.10 ICW Overview and advisory council update CEO Claire Ward
10.20 Communications Louise McMahon
10.30 Keynote Speaker: Cabinet Office Insight Matthew Lloyd
10.50 Break
11.00 Thought leadership SIG Adrian Miller
11.10 Small, medium enterprises SIG Andrew Dixon
11.20 Collaborative Leadership SIG Odilon Serrano/Andrew Hopper
11.30 Third Sector SIG Humraaj Singh
11.40 Professional development SIG Jo Potter / Lois Love
11.50 Academia SIG Mehmet Chakkol /Paul Connor
12.00 Break
12.10 Future of ISO 44001 SIG Steve Abrahams / Richard Smith
12.20 Defence and security SIG Tim Mowat
12.30 Collaborative Behaviours SIG Sarah Vanderheide
12.40 Round-up and close Morning session 12.50 Dave Hawkins
Afternoon Sessions: ICW Members Collaborative Challenge
Session One 1.45pm - 2.50pm
Collaboration in a virtual world Professional Development Collaboration in Disruption
Relationship building
Maintaining trust
Risk & Opportunities
Professional recognition
Executive support
Skills development
Political disruption
Support teams
Adrian Miller
Odilon Serrano
Andrew Hopper
Jo Potter
Lois Love
Paul Connor
Steve Abrahams
Richard Smith
Session Two 3.00pm – 3.50pm
Measuring value Well-being Global impacts
Promoting collaboration
Case studies
Demonstrating value
Benefits from collaboration
Working virtually
Remote Management
Support teams
Frank Lee
Tim Mowat
Sarah Vanderheide
Louise McMahon
Nigel Strutt
Nicky Thompson
Andrew Dixon
Humraaj Singh

Each team to address the topic in three elements:
1. What is the nature of the challenge?
2. What might good practice look like?
3. How do we share good practice?

Please register your attendance here
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