With Matthew Wragg of talent specialist Gattaca.
Wednesday 20 January 2021, 12:00 GMT. Keep the date.
We all know how we've personally tried to adapt to working remotely and how our own organisations have tried to support us through the changing working environment.
But what have other companies done to adapt? What have you got in common? What are you doing differently that you should be really proud of? And what other ideas may be out there that can help you improve your business performance?
Join our Share & Learn session live with Matthew Wragg, Director at Gattaca, or register to access the on-demand recording at a time that suits you.
Matthew Wragg, Director, Gattaca
As Gattaca's Director of International, Products & Solutions, Matt has almost two decades of experience in the recruitment industry and, in that time, has built up a track record of developing new client solutions for a range of challenges.
If you can't attend the live webinar, you can still sign up to receive the recorded version and watch it on-demand at a time that suits you.
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