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  • Harnessing Collaboration ½ Day Conference

Harnessing Collaboration ½ Day Conference

  • 23 Mar 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Online

ICW Scotland in collaboration with BSI hosted a ½ day on line conference on

Harnessing Collaboration

Sponsored by Babcock International Group and Edwin James Group Ltd.

Tuesday 23rd March 2021.

ICW Scotland, in collaboration with BSI, ran a half day online conference sponsored by Babcock International Group and Edwin James Group Ltd.

Featuring speakers from public and private sectors, showcasing a diversity of collaborative engagements and sharing the opportunities they bring, across 15 minute speaker slots.

These included a focus on Scottish Government, health & care collaboration across NHS Grampian, insights into the RAF Lossiemouth Development Programme, case studies from the Energy Industries Council, supply chain solutions at Sellafield and the benefits of successful collaborative partnerships from Amey.

Lord Evans, Claire Ward and Mike Healy from the ICW introduced the day and hosted a Q & A session with the day's sponsors. A breakout room was also available before, and after, the conference to support any networking / discussions around the conference.


Jamie Hepburn, Scottish Government; Fair Work and Skills

Robert Molloy, Edwin James Group; Collaborative Working in Engineering services

Grant Steven, Babcock; Collaboration in the Defence Sector- Ship Repair and Maintenance

Dr Adam Coldwells, Grampian NHS; Collaboration for improved population health outcomes pre, during and post COVID-19

Paul Sexton, Scottish Water; Managing Collaborative Construction Alliances in Scottish Water

Stuart Parker, Morgan Sindall

Ian Richardson, Tetra Tech; Enabling Strategic Capability at RAF Lossiemouth

David Coyne, Skills Development Scotland

Stuart Broadley, Energy Industries Council; The impact of decarbonisation on the energy market

Stephen Scott, Sellafield; Building lasting and sustainable relationships with our supply chain.

Adrian Shah-Cundy, Volker Wessels; Collaborative Management Systems- keeping it simple

Steve Fulcher, Amey; Collaborating in an environment of competing cultures

Tim Croft, Leidos

Additional Speakers include

Lord Evans of Watford - Chairman, Institute for Collaborative Working

Claire Ward - Chief Executive, Institute for Collaborative Working

Mike Healy - Director, Institute for Collaborative Working Scotland

Watch the conference webinar replay

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