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  • Share and Learn: Maintaining Wellness During the COVID Crisis

Share and Learn: Maintaining Wellness During the COVID Crisis

  • 12 Feb 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Online

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You are invited to join ICW on February 12th for our next Share and Learn on Wellness lead by John Sidebotham of Network Rail

Maintaining Wellness During the COVID Crisis

Friday 12th February 2021, 13:00 GMT

There has never been a time where looking after your own wellbeing has been more important. Getting the balance right in work now we are all working at home is as vital as eating and cooking well, exercising, getting the right amount of sleep, staying connected with family and friends as well as work, colleagues and controlling your stress levels.

An opportunity to hear what one large company has done to realise the benefits of Wellness amongst its staff and wider community and how people have responded and engaged, to engage collaboratively with each other to keep watch on each others wellness.

Join our Share & Learn session live with John Sidebotham from Network Rail who has headed up this initiative.


It's vital we keep balance in our lives and we will talk around five wellbeing essentials as evidenced by the New Economics Foundations, and promoted by the NHS.

  • Connecting with others
  • Being Active
  • Taking Notice
  • Keeping Learning
  • Giving

And in this context, John will explore the power of kindness, keeping balance and how to build successful habits for a happier healthier you!

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