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  • Why cross-sector collaboration will be critical to the UK’s ambitions to build back better

Why cross-sector collaboration will be critical to the UK’s ambitions to build back better

  • 27 Apr 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

27 April 2021

This was an opportunity to hear about the CBI’s work on public sector markets, infrastructure and climate change and to discuss how we can ensure effective collaboration between government and its suppliers plays a key role in the UK’s recovery from the pandemic.

This session included a short presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions and discuss points amongst the audience.

Meet the speakers:

Claire Ward: Chief Executive, ICW.

Tom Thackray: Director of Infrastructure, CBI.

Tom leads the organisation’s policy work on infrastructure and energy, aiming to improve business connectivity and ensuring the UK maintains a secure, affordable and low-carbon supply of energy. He will be discussing:

  • Public procurement as the main enabler and the potential reforms under the playbooks and regulations
  • The role of social value and embedding collaboration around social outcomes within procurement
  • Public service innovation and reform in light of growing demand and the current state of public finances
  • Collaboration as a driver of the race to net-zero (both in terms of new tech EVs, hydrogen etc but also again how we can embed sustainability into PPPs)
  • How effective collaboration can ensure the UK delivers the infrastructure it needs to level-up and support a healthy and thriving construction sector

Video from the event

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