John Doyle CQSW, DMS, MA, MICW - Managing Director, B2Bppm Ltd collaboration consultancy. John has been supporting the implementation of collaboration for over 25 years on major projects around the world. With a behavioural and psychology background, he is also a member of various UK and international committees related to the establishment and development of the ISO 44001 Collaborative Business Relationships standard. John has been developing behaviours and approaches related to trust for over 20 years.
Trevor Gore BSc. (Hons) MICW, is the founder and Managing director of Maestro Consulting Ltd. He was a member of the ICW advisory council and is currently an associate director. Having spent over 30 years in healthcare, he is a trustee of the Self-Care forum UK charity and an advisor to the board of the Health and Beauty Association. He has a particular interest in Behavioural Economics that recognises that people do not always act in their own best interests or make decisions in a perfectly rational way.
Adrian Miller, BA(Hons), MBA, FICW - Membership Services Director of the ICW, responsible for ensuring the Institute provides relevant membership support; in the form of events, organisational development, training, collaboration services and professional development. He has over 30 years' experience in strategic procurement and developing collaborative relationships. He is the UK representative on the International ISO 44001 (Collaborative Business Relationships) standard committee, and Chairman of the UK mirror committee.
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