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Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

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Associate Membership (AICW)

This is an initial entry level for those individuals wanting to engage with the ICW community and with the aim to migrate to full membership. The application process validates the applicant's current collaborative working experience and intent through our membership panel.

The Associate level of annual membership is for a maximum of 2 years beyond which you will be expected to have progressed to full membership.

Please note that subscription payments are NON REFUNDABLE due to the downloads that are available immediately to our paying members.

Contact us if you require further information.

If you would like to be considered for our MICW (Member) status and related benefits then please click here to submit our form outlining your experience in the Collaborative Working area. We will then get back to you within a short time with a link to process your membership.

83 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HW . Email: . Phone: 0203 691 1530
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