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Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

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  • 7 Aug 2021 9:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Finalists announced for the KTP Awards 2021

    Partnerships looking to address climate change and social issues, or improve the UK economy with cutting-edge R&D and innovation, will be celebrated once again at the KTP Best of the Best Awards, held online on 23rd September 2021.

    Among the finalists is St David's Children's Society with Cardiff University Business School, who have together created a best practice model for the recruitment, preparation and support of adoptive parents. This has already led to the adoption of 23 children.

  • 29 Jul 2021 10:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On 1st August 2021, Dave Macdonald will be handing on the baton for the continuing development of ICW in Australasia. Since the initial meeting in London between ICW (UK) and Dave back in 2014, Dave took on the mantle to establish ICW in both New Zealand and Australia, and since then has had a leading role with ICW (UK) in the development and implementation of collaborative working both corporately and individually in New Zealand and Australia. Dave is a great advocate for collaborative working and has taken an active role in ICW's thought leadership, which was one of the reasons Dave was drawn to ICW.

    Through his energy and enthusiasm he established an ICW footprint in both New Zealand and Australia. Leading the charge he was responsible for achieving the first certification to ISO 44001 in the Southern hemisphere, and with our friends at Downer in New Zealand, also developing and delivering the first ICW training courses in that part of the world. Both Bill Taylor and David Hawkins have worked with Dave and his ICW team in supporting their activities.

    Despite the time difference Dave never appeared without a smile at the many early morning or late night meetings that have taken place over the years.

    Dave has decided it is the right time to hand over the baton to others to take ICW - in both New Zealand and Australia - to the next level. Chris Olson and Erik Barnes are taking up the baton for ICW New Zealand, and Brett Ackroyd is doing so in Australia. They are all looking forward to building on Dave's legacy and taking them forward to the next level.

    Brett will be working closely with ICWNZ team while he builds his ICW Australia team.

    Dave is not going to disappear entirely - he will still be championing his passion for collaboration wherever he is needed.

    David Hawkins, Chief Operating Officer ICW (UK), commented that ICW would like to pay tribute to Dave and thank him for all his hard work in supporting and promoting collaborative working under the banner of ICW in both Australia and New Zealand.

  • 27 Jul 2021 8:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ICW welcomed Kerrie Greenall, Chris Alton, Rob Latham, and Chris Woodcock to Warwick University this past week to take the ICW ISO4001 Leaders course, lead by Leigh Lawry.

    All four passed the course and have all signed up to be Members of ICW. So, congratulations to all four for passing the exam and also for becoming the newest MICWs.

    (Also in the photo is Dave Hawkins of ICW and Dr Paul Connor of Warwick University, the course invigilator).

  • 21 May 2021 12:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Leigh Lawry and Paul Connor of Warwick University are pictured with all 6 successful candidates at this weeks Leaders Course held at Warwick University.

    Rachel Heaps, Karen Draper, Lianne Owens, Faye Traud, Richard Slack and Mark Orpin all successfully passed the ISO 44001 Leaders Course, and we now look forward to welcoming them into the Institute as members.

  • 19 May 2021 1:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Frist ICW face-to-face course is taking place this week at Warwick University, as 6 delegates are doing the ISO 44001 Leaders Course.

    Under the watchful eye of the Warwick University staff the course is being delivered by ICW's Leigh Lawry under the University's 'Keeping you safe' Covid policy.

    We look forward to being able to welcome other delegates on the Leaders courses, which are being run in July, September and November this year.

  • 14 May 2021 12:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Following our Annual reception yesterday we are pleased to announce that the registration platform is open for submissions.

    Go to the sign-up page

    Awards Schedule

    • Nominations open 14th May 2021
    • Submission closes 31st July 2021
    • Shortlisting notification w/c 10th August 2021
    • Judging sessions w/c 28th September 2021
    • Awards event 16th December 2021

    Hopefully the December Awards presentations will be live at the House of Lords.

  • 13 May 2021 10:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce the publication of this year's The Partner with its focus on Collaborating in Crisis. It is now available on the ICW website.

  • 10 May 2021 10:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In parallel with the publication of ISO 44003 ICW has initiated a programme in conjunction with its Executive Network members to enhance their engagement with Micro, Small and Medium size Enterprises. Following the work done by our SME Special Interest Group we have introduced a stepped approach to incorporating a structured approach to collaborative working. This approach has been designed to work through the procurement arms of our executive member companies enabling them supported by ICW to evaluate and recognise collaborative capability of their supply chain partners. Whilst initially this pilot is supported by ICW members discussion are underway through a variety of public and private sector organisations to expand the approach later in the year.

  • 30 Apr 2021 3:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ICW is please to release the latest version of its Competencies Framework, which has been developed based on current thinking and experience from our frontline Associate Directors. The aim of developing this further was to ensure that our skills development course support the full spectrum of needs and the introduction of the new CPD programme.

    Find out more

  • 29 Apr 2021 12:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ICW is pleased to announce that ISO 44003 - Collaborative Business Relationship Management - Guidelines for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises on the implementation of the fundamental principles has now been published.

    This new Guidance Standard is the result of efforts by the ICW team and the ISO Standards Committee over many months. It is the next member of the ISO 44000 family of standards and has been specifically developed to support smaller organisations harness the benefits of collaborative working as a route to a more structured approach. As MSMEs represent a significant contributor to economic growth it has long been the aim of ICW to encourage smaller organisations to develop their collaborative capabilities. The publication of this standard marks another step in the vison of ICW to see collaborative working make its contribution to both government and industry. ICW is currently planning to launch a pilot scheme via its Executive Network members to help their MSMEs gain recognition for their collaborative approaches. Later this year it is scheduled to publish ISO 44004, which will encompass guidance for larger organisations to enhance the way they engage with MSMEs for mutual benefit.

    Our thanks to our International partners at ISO and our members for their contribution in bring this standard to publication. Copies of the standard can be purchased via the ISO store and imminently via BSI.

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