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Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

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Individual Membership (MICW)

Enhance your professional development with MICW accreditation

As a member of the Institute you will be joining a unique community of practice providing access to a wide range of knowledge and expertise both from other members and organisations across a broad spectrum of industries, embracing both the public and private sectors. Your membership provides a variety of benefits in terms of career development, including:

  • Accreditation: The various levels of accredited membership provides independently certified recognition of knowledge and capability underpinned by Warwick University.
  • Networking: Through membership of the Institute individuals have the opportunity to participate in a number of membership learning and networking events. Together with linking to a growing community of practice. You will gain access to a community of organisations and people that are practicing and developing collaboration, which is open to exchanging ideas to help each other evolve and improve for the benefit of your organisation and your own professional and personal development.
  • Knowledge: The Institute and its members have an extensive portfolio of materials which are freely available to MICW/Fellows and expertise within the community which members can benefit from.
  • Skills development: The Institute offers a range of courses designed to build and enhance individual capability, which are discounted for members.
  • Special Interest Groups: Members will be able to participate in many of the Institutes special interest groups enabling them to work with other members to explore and develop future thought leadership.
  • Support: Members have ongoing access to the ICW core team and when appropriate many of our corporate executive members.

Individuals may apply directly for full membership at a practitioner level. There are a variety of routes to achieve MICW:

  1. By successfully completing the ISO 44001 Collaborative Leaders course and passing the written exam individuals will automatically be offered the opportunity to sign up as a full Member. In this case there is no application fee and the first year's membership is refundable.
  2. Direct entry can be achieved by initiating an online application together with an application fee. All applications will be reviewed by the membership panel and in some cases applicants may be asked to attend a panel review.
  3. In certain cases the Institute will review and validate In-company or Association development programmes where it considers these meet appropriate levels of maturity or have been developed in cooperation with the Institute.
  4. The Institute also works with Academia to support courses which incorporate collaborative capability development and will recognise successful completion as a direct entry route.

Members will be required to continue their development and update their experience and development profile, as a minimum, every two years.

Entry Route 1: Collaborative Leaders Course

After successful completion of the Collaborative Leaders programme (formerly the Facilitator Accreditation Course), you will be provided with a link to submit your membership details and pay for your membership.

Entry Route 2: Direct Entry

Direct Entry based on assessment and acceptance of submission of a career profile demonstrating extensive and successful experience in collaborative working. Those applying via the direct entry route are required to complete the application form below and attach the following evidence:

  • Reasons for wanting MICW and why it should be granted (max 100 words)
  • CV
  • Experience: A statement of collaborative experience (max 500 words)
  • Competence: Two case studies which demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the management of collaborative relationships and the application of the principles of ISO 44001, together with two written references in support of this.
  • Professional Development: strategy for the further development of personal knowledge and skills (max 250 words).

Direct entry applications will be evaluated by the Membership Panel which has the right to request further information or evidence where deemed necessary. This might include:

  • Additional references.
  • Submission of an academic paper demonstrating the extent of subject matter knowledge.
  • Attendance at a review panel.

Recommendations for direct entry will be considered at the next Management Board Meeting, together with supporting material (as above).

Disputed membership at any level shall be referred to the Management Board via the Membership Panel after due consideration. Continued membership will be solely at the discretion of the ICW Management Board.

If your application is approved we will contact you with joining and payment information.

83 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HW . Email: . Phone: 0203 691 1530
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