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Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

Advancing collaboration to make good things happen

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Facilitation Support

The Institute's role is to help organisations, large and small, in both the public and private sectors, to build and develop effective competitive business relationships based upon a collaborative approach. The Institute provides practical guidance based on a wide portfolio of experience utilising knowledge from extensive relationships within the commercial, Government and academic arenas. Our approach is focused on knowledge transfer enabling organisations to build and develop their internal capability, process and systems.

Training and Skills Development

The Institutes unique portfolio of training and skills development courses, both public and in-house, focus on identifying, developing and maintaining the people, processes, systems and tools to fully harness collaborative working.

The ICW Team

Our team of associates combine a wealth of practical business change experience across a wide spectrum of industry sectors. And, all have been qualified under our unique skills development programmes.

ICW Team

The Benefits of Working with ICW

As a not for profit organisation the Institute is focused on knowledge transfer to support internal development and integrated partner relationships. We measure ourselves not on revenue but by the growth of collaborative working and its benefit to industry.

ISO 44001

The Institute was the thought leader and driving force behind the development of BS 11000 'Collaborative Business Relationships', the world's first standard in relationship management, published by BSI (The British Standards Institution) - based on the CRAFT methodology. BS 11000 provided a strategic framework to build and manage business relationships to ensure they are effective, optimised and sustainable delivering benefits for all stakeholders.

With the success of BS 11000, the standard was adopted by ISO (the International Organization for Standards) and, under the guidance of Technical Committee 286 - chaired by ICW, a new requirements standard, ISO 44001 'Collaborative Business Relationship Management Systems' was issued in 2017 - the first in a series of requirements and guidance standards.

It is still early in the life cycle of this new standard and, in the absence of accreditation of certification bodies, the Institute has established the Certification Validation Scheme to help maintain the highest level of confidence in certification bodies.

Business Engagement

The Institute both directly and via the network of accredited associates provides experienced and practical support through a portfolio of programmes, from strategic assessment and throughout the relationship life cycle, to support organisations seeking to enhance their collaborative working practices, based on their individual needs.

Implementation Workshops

The Institute has been responsible for the majority of organisations adopting the BS 11000, and now ISO 44001 principles and certification. Our team has the widest experience in this field and created a range of structured workshops to support the life cycle of a relationship from strategic development, through partner engagement and working together, to final disengagement from a relationship.

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